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Kids grieve differently than adults and it can take them longer than we expect to adapt to a significant loss in their life. They can feel grief physically, in their whole body. It can change how they think, and how they behave. Grieving kids might have trouble sleeping, perform poorly at school or show no interest in activities they once enjoyed. And yet sometimes, their inner turmoil can be invisible even to people who know them well. 

Parents and other adults who are close to grieving kids might not even recognize these as signs of grief, or may be grieving too, and feeling overwhelmed. Children and youth often feel alone in grief. Having an opportunity to connect with other kids and share personal experiences, can be helpful as they learn to cope in healthy ways with their own feelings of sadness and adjust to the loss. Our grief programs are free and offer children and youth time to explore their feelings of loss in a safe and supportive space.

Grieving has no start and finish line and kids can join a program any time after experiencing a death in their life.


Ages 6-9, 10-13 and 14-17

Grief can begin before a loved one dies. When children and teens are aware of an impending loss, their grief can show up in many ways, including anxiety, sadness and anger, or changes in behaviour.

Bounce Up is a four-week grief support group for kids who have a special person in their life diagnosed with a life-limiting illness.

Help kids build healthy coping strategies and ultimately, the resilience to “bounce up” during difficult times in life.

Creative Kids


Ages 6 to 12  

Creative expression helps kids gain control over strong emotions and provides an outlet for thoughts and feelings.

In Creative Kids as we use the process of creating to help kids express their thoughts and emotions in a safe and creative way.

During the first 45 minutes of the session, parents and guardians attend an information and support session to learn about kids’ grief.

Creative teens

Ages 13 to 17 

Words alone are sometimes not enough. Exploring the experience of grief and loss through creativity can give teens control over how they share their stories and emotions.

In a safe and supportive space we will share, connect and explore difficult experiences, feelings and thoughts in a creative way.

During the first 45 minutes of the session, parents and guardians attend an information and support session to learn about kids’ grief.

Creative Teens
Music Speaks

Music Speaks

Ages 6-9, 10-13 and 14-17

Putting emotions into words is hard. Especially when kids are dealing with feelings of grief and loss.

Music can often be an outlet. Music Speaks provides a safe and supportive space for children to connect with peers and share experiences while building healthy coping skills. 

Finding a voice through music can help kids reduce anxiety and process their grief. Activities include listening to music, singing, song writing, and creating artwork to music.

This group is open to children who have experienced the death of a significant person at any time, and of any cause. No musical experience is necessary.

My pet died

Ages 6-9 Virtual group program

Children can develop strong bonds with their pets and often consider them part of their family. The death of a pet may be the first time a child will experience a significant death in their life and depending on their age, may grieve in similar ways to the death of a person.

My Pet Died gives kids an opportunity to talk about the life of their animal friends as well as their feelings and experiences of loss.

As we explore grief together, participants will learn healthy coping skills to adapt to life without their pet.

Grief UNscripted

Grief eMotion

Ages 10 to 13 In-person program

Talking about grief is hard. Being with other kids who have also experienced a death of someone close to them, can make it easier.

Children can feel alone in grief. Parents and other adults close to grieving kids may not even recognize signs of grief, or may be grieving too and feeling overwhelmed.

Grief eMotion is a 7-week group program that gives kids an opportunity to connect with other kids to share experiences while learning to grieve in healthy ways through art, music, writing, and other activities.

Grief UNscripted

Ages 14 to 17 In-person group

Being a teen is hard enough. The death of a parent, sibling, friend or special person can be a devastating experience during an already difficult time in life. Teens often feel different than their peers and need support to feel less alone and better understood.

Grief Unscripted is safe space to explore feelings of grief and loss. Conversation is informal. Share as much as you want. Sometimes it helps just being with other teens on a similar journey.

Grief UNscripted

Preteen Thrive

Ages 10 to 13 In-person retreat

The death of a parent, sibling, relative or a friend can be a devastating experience during an already difficult time in life.

Preteen Thrive is a day-long retreat providing youth a safe and comfortable space in a beautiful location in Niagara where they can relax, share their stories, walk through the woods and meet other kids.

Learn about grief to not only survive, but thrive.

Teen 2 Teen

Ages 14 to 17 In-person retreat

Grieving teens often feel different than their peers, alone and misunderstood.

Teen 2 Teen is a day-long retreat. Set in a beautiful location in Niagara, it provides a relaxed and safe space for teens to share at their own pace, walk through the woods and meet other youth who are on a similar grief journey.

Once they experience the togetherness and positive energy of a retreat, they are often motivated to participate in other, ongoing grief care programs to continue their path to well-being.


Ages 6-17

Children and youth often feel lost in grief.

COMPASS is a hike with other youth who have experienced the death of a special person in their life.

Spending time outdoors can be a starting point to help youth find their way through grief. COMPASS is here to guide and provide some direction to help youth navigate big emotions that can feel overwhelming and confusing.
Just being outside together in an environment where talking about grief is not required, is a start. Hikes run July to mid-September.

Music for the Family

All ages

Come together as a family to listen to music and be creative, while meeting other families grieving a death.

Music for the Family is a drop-in space for families and their kids to explore their unique grief together, through music.

Sessions will be led by a music therapist.

Participate in a Program

The first step to participating in a grief support program, is to have a parent or guardian fill out a Program Referral Form. Once the form is submitted, we will connect with you within a week to discuss the program and confirm registration.

If you would like more information, please call our main number at 905-984-8766 or email Mention that you are interested in a Child and Youth Grief Program and we will make sure you are directed to the right person.

Program Referral Form

Grief Support For Children